5 May -23 August 2021
© Centre Pompidou, Audrey Laurans.
Women in Abstraction or Elles Font L’Abstraction is the new long awaited for blockbuster exhibition from the Centre Pomipdou that celebrates the contribution of women to the world of abstract art beginning with the spiritualist practitioners such as Georgiana Houghton, Alice Essington Nelson and Hilma af klint.
5th May to 23rd August 2021 at Gallery 1 Level 6 of the Centre Pomidou, Paris
The exhibition sets out to write the history of the contributions of women artists to abstraction, with one hundred and six artists and more than five hundred works dating from the 1860s to the 1980s.

“Women in Abstraction” provides an opportunity to discover artists who represent discoveries both for the specialist and for the general public. It showcases the work of many of these women who suffer from a lack of visibility and recognition beyond the frontiers of their countries. Reviewing their specific contribution to the history of abstraction, the exhibition focuses on the careers of artists who were sometimes unjustly eclipsed from the history of art.
The exhibition is accompanied by a comprehensive catalogue in French and English versions. The exhibition will continue to the Guggenheim in Bilbao in the Autumn of 2021.
For more information visit Centre Pompidou