Raw Vision: 25 years of Art Brut was published for the occasion of an exhibition at Halle St Pierre, Paris from 18th September 2013 to 22nd August 2014. It was curated by the Museum Director, Martine Lusardy and Raw Vision Editor, John Maizels and celebrated the artists who had featured in the magazine over the last 25 years.
Raw Vision was the first magazine published with the sole purpose of bringing outsider art to a wider audience. Featuring classical works of Art Brut, new discoveries, photos of extraordinary visionary environments and over 80 artists including Nek Chand, Joe Coleman, Sam Doyle, Howard Finster, Adolf Wölfli, Alex Grey, Tom Duncan, Michel Nedjar, Norbert Kox and many others.
Raw Vision is the world’s only international journal of the art of “unknown geniuses”. Untrained, unschooled and uninfluenced by the art world, their work stuns and amazes. They invent their own forms, techniques and create private worlds. John Maizels – Editor and founder of Raw Vision.
Representing spirit inspired art are: Alex Grey, Donald Pass, Madge Gill, Ionel Talpazan, Augustin Lesage and Eugene Von Bruenchenhein.
A short version of the Raw Vision: 25 years of Art Brut can be seen on issuu – Raw Vision’s digital platform.